Posted Tuesday 8th February 2005
"Dear rowers and coaches,
My name is Ben Jackson. I'm with the School of Sports & Exercise Sciences at the University of Leeds, and as part of my PhD I'm looking into the confidence between rowing pairs/doubles. What we're looking to do is get pairs/doubles and their coach (if they have one) to complete a short questionnaire relating to the confidence between them, once around now and then again in two months time. We are posting questionnaires out with instructions and stamped addressed envelopes, to minimise any hassle for participants.
It's a very straight forward process, and wouldn't take up too much of your time. If you do decide that you would like to take part, then I would be happy to provide you with a summary of the key findings, once all results are analysed. Finally, just to let you know, our work has been passed by the University of Leeds' ethics board, and we can assure you complete confidentiality throughout the investigation. If you are interested in finding out a little more, please contact me by phone on 07734 395261, or by email at Thanks to all those who are already taking part, and thanks to others for taking the time to read our proposal.
All the best,
Ben Jackson"
School of Sport & Exercise Science
University of Leeds.