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Issue 95 - February 1997
Leander claims to be Britain's oldest club, tracing roots to Lambeth and Westminster before 1820. This year is thecentenary of the club's move to Henley where it leased land from Henley Town Council for £25 per annum on condition that it built a club and boat house. That building is substantially what you see today.
The club ran into serious trouble in 1983 when the roof almost literally fell in and the members discovered at a bilious agm that their committee had failed to stash much away against a rainy day. The committee was overthrown. In rowing terms the club had dropped a long way off the premier league at the time also. Since then the new committee with a new attitude have revived its fortunes on and off the river. Now the Sports Lottery Fund has offered £1.5 million of a £2.3 million redevelopment plan. Assuming that the all-male and still elitist club can solve the constitutional problems created by the 'equal opportunity' conditions laid down by the Sports Council who administer the Lottery Fund, the Edwardian building is in for a handsome face-lift and upgrade in facilities for rowers in particular. It will blend with the familiar Edwardian edifice almost seamlessly.
As you look at the building from the river, everything to the right of the boat house will be demolished. The edifice facing Leander Way will be extended towards the road by approximately the width of the bar and conned parallel with the road to a height of three floors towards the boundary of the site where the tow path curves round from the bridge to the river.
The effect of this on the existing facilities will be to enable the club offices to be moved from the second floor to the ground floor adjacent to the Leander Way entrance and the creation of a larger reception area on the ground and first floors, increasing security and decreasing congestion and enabling a lift to be installed serving all floors. The shop will move to the other side of the entrance, and the right hand bay of the boathouse will be extended deeper into the building. The old back yard, punt shed (gym) and extension will become a large purpose-designed gymnasium and medical testing centre, larger men's changing room and kitchen service access.
On the first floor, new features will include ladies changing room, toilets for the disabled, a physio's room, captain's room and enlarged members' bar. The second floor wing will contain accommodation for staff and crews, two additional bedrooms, ladies room and men's toilets, and a tv gallery and lounge for residential guests effected by raising the roof over the entrance to the first floor dining room.
© Copyright REGATTA OnLine, 1997.
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